1. MW SIG Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Sun, Nov 27, 11:35 AM – 12:20 PM; Room 1208
2. MW SIG Forum: Materials Writers Forum: Writing & Publishing
Sun, Nov 27, 1:05 PM – 2:35 PM; Room 1208
Two publishers and eight materials writers shared ideas and experiences in the field of materials design, writing, and publishing.
Adam Murray - Thoughts on Developing Listening Materials
Gregg McNabb - Professional Level Self- Publishing in Japan
Jim Smiley - How a Non-Medic Can Write Medical texts: A Methodology
Gregory Strong - Five Principles in Writing Graded Readers
Tsuyoshi Yoshida (Cengage Publishing) - TBA
Gregory Hadley -Making the Most of Student-Generated Vocabulary Materials
Tim Frandsen - How to Self-Publish Through Amazon
Junko Yamanaka - Creating Materials that Promote Critical Thinking
Barbara Hoskins-Sakamoto - Designing EFL Materials for Young Learners
Hugh Graham-Marr - The Writer-Publisher Relationship: One Publisher's Perspective
3. Presentations by SIG Members
1. Sourcing Images for Teacher-Made Materials
Romney, Cameron - Doshisha University
Sat, Nov 26, 12:05 PM - 12:30 PM; Room 1201
We are increasingly living in a visual world. Our students are comfortable with deriving meaning by both textual and visual means and they often expect visually rich learning materials. But where can educators find images for their materials? How can they legally use images without violating copyright? In this presentation the advantages and disadvantages for three leading sources of images will be analyzed to show how educators can legally source images for their materials.
2. Language Teaching: Culture & Environmental Issues
Goodmacher, Greg - Keiwa College; Kajiura, Asako - Keiwa College
Sat, Nov 27, 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM; Room 1003
What principles should teachers consider when teaching culture, environmental issues, and language to Japanese students? The presenters have been teaching courses covering these three subjects as content-based language instruction (CBI) for many years. They will share ideas about organizing language lessons and creating effective teaching materials. Attendees will leave with teaching ideas for their classes after examining a new CBI textbook and experiencing interactive activities that stimulate students to communicate about culture and environmental issues.
3. 10 Top Tips for Getting Your Textbook Published
Capper, Simon - Japanese Red Cross Hiroshima College of Nursing
Sun, Nov 27, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM; Room 1002
This poster shares the knowledge of an experienced writer of over a dozen commercially published textbooks, providing (at least) 10 tips to enhance the book-birthing process, from conception to delivery. Those wishing to get involved in textbook publishing will also find suggestions that may help to transform their projects. The tips to avoid labor pains include: getting your foot in the door; finding your ‘gap’; establishing your principles; common pitfalls, and post-publication promotion.